My name is Ruchama Hoed
& I weave philosophical and spiritual threads of thought, intercultural experiences and personal encounters together as an artistic alignment of soul and matter in form.
Color, light and rhythm are my allies to distill and materialise art as a way of paying homage to life’s essential complexity and beauty.
Weaving is my meditative portal into other dimensions expressed to celebrate my desire and fascination for life’s multi-facetted richness.
In 2008 I graduated from Goldsmiths College’s visual art department in London after having studied Humanistic studies, hat-making and modern dance, all of which combined give me a rich foundation to develop my artistic practice upon.
In 2014 my Golden Thread lead me to study the ancient craft of weaving with inspiring weaving-elders in Italy, the Netherlands, Friesland, Germany & UK.
Nowadays I am grateful to be working in my atelier in the hills of Tuscany as well as spending time on various projects & collaborations
in my studio in the heart of Amsterdam.
All for Love!
You are cordially invited
to come and visit my showroom
in the heart of Amsterdam …
or pass by my atelier in Tuscany …
I will gladly show you my work and share more about my unique working process and artistic philosophy.
Artworks on this website are for sale and if you are inspired
to explore commissioning a new or tailor made artwork
by my heart & hands,
please feel free to request a quotation.
Together We Rise!

Nely & Ruchama playing together
@ Weaving School ‘Nieuw Askov’
in Friesland
*‘WallDiamonds’ overview of old & new work for exhibition Open ateliers,
Ruigoord, Amsterdam, NL
*‘WallDiamonds’, group exhibition Tetterode Treasures, Amsterdam, NL
*‘Ode to the Jewish Bride’, woven homage for contest at Rijksmuseum, Ruigoord Open Atelier, Amsterdam, NL
*‘On the Horizon’, art exhibition Tetterode Treasures, Amsterdam, NL
*‘Ode to Warp & Weft’ dance performance for 45 years New Ascott Weaving School celebration, Sybrandabuorren, Friesland
*’Alto Continuo’ – interior commission by H. Heim, ‘s Hertogenbosch, NL
*‘Artist in Residence’ – Studio Bibliographico Pera, Lucca (IT) Weaving residency inspired by Encyclopedy des Arts et Mestiers’ by Denis Diderot.
San Gennaro, IT
– ‘The Art of Grasping’ – interactive performance at The International Society for
Gesture Studies (ISGS) Conference on Gesture – Creativity – the
Sorbonne Nouvelle University, Paris, FR
– ‘On the Horizon’ & ‘After my Favourite Twin’, group exhibition ‘La Citta Visibile’, arte all Femminile, Grosseto, IT
*‘WallDiamonds’ exhibition in collaboration with Studio Bibliographico Pera.
Exhibition in 6 antiquarian art spaces in the town-centre of Lucca (Tuscany) IT
Textures of Affect - The Art of Grasping
view of Projects & exhibitions
*‘Eer Vermeer’ – (woven honoring of the 3 Maria’s) by Ruchama celebrating Johannes Vermeer. Appearance on TV show, interview and revelation of new artwork on 12th of March, Omroep Max, ‘de Nieuwe Vermeer’- Dutch national television broadcast NPO1 (20u25)
*‘Tessiture dell’Affetto’ exhibition in collaboration with Mercato in Arte for the symposium and celebration of 400 years of cultural exchange of the Congregazione Olandese Alemanna, Livorno, Tuscany, IT
*’Vessel for Soul’ – group expo, Galerie d’Art dans le Haut Marais, Paris, FR
*‘Ying & Yang’ exhibition, Tetterode Treasures, Amsterdam, NL
*Padiglione Pegasus’ – collaboration Studio Monica Deri Architetti, Pisa, IT
*‘Textures of Affect’ – art exhibition in collaboration with DocuDonna Festival,
Palazzo d’Abbondanza, Massa Marittima, IT
*‘Textures of Affect’ – art exhibition in collaboration with Oogwereld Zuid Opticiens, Amsterdam, NL
*‘Textures of Affect’– art expo Tetterode atelier gallery space, Amsterdam, NL
*‘Textures of Affect’– group exhibition, Vrijpaleis, Amsterdam, NL
*‘Power of our Hands’ interview for documentary by Jana Chocholackova,
Amsterdam, NL
*‘Panna Montata Roadtrip’, inspiration tour Netherlands, France, Switserland,